The design world is constantly changing and evolving. The Jamie Banfield Design team is always keeping an eye out for new trends, colours and technology that is being introduced into our industry. Ready to discover which decorating trends that are out and which that are in? Here are our top interior design trends for 2023. 

Back to Basics – Refining Tradition 

Our first Interior Design Trends For 2020 is getting back to basics. With all the chaos that 2020 has brought, it’s no surprise that people are taking a step back and embracing the simple luxuries in life. The desire to be connected to nature and embracing a calm, harmonious lifestyle is stronger than ever. This is seen through natural materials, organic shapes and a more minimal approach.

One style that pairs well with these values is Scandinavian design. The cozy, organic elements like natural woods, terrazzo, jute in a more relaxed form is becoming very popular design trend. We are loving this sustainable mindset! We are a lot more aware of our environment these days and how fragile it actually is. By embracing this trend, we hope to not only create beautiful spaces, but do good for our world as well.  

Neutral Colours that Pack a Punch

What is the colour for 2020? Continuing with the connection to nature, the next interior design trend that we are noticing is neutral colours. Neutral tones like off white, tinted greys, earthy greens and beiges are all interior colour trends that we are seeing more in 2020.

One colour we are loving is a deep green like Benjamin Moore’s Cushing Green, HC-125. Whether it’s for a feature wall, custom cabinets or just your décor accent colour, it’s a beautiful, strong tone that has a big impact on a space. 

Over Seas Influences 

Japanese aesthetic is going to be a top interior design trend you want to pay attention to this year. Two words, re-energized look. Taking natural materials in a simple form and transforming it into something new. An example of this is the wood charring look. In both interior and exterior applications, this trend is simple but impactful.  

Another Japanese influence that is making the list of interior design trends in 2020 is inspired by a simple art form or technique we used to love as a kids known as origami. Its angular lines are paving the way we see patterns, furnishings, and structural elements. Still a simple form but very impactful. 


Our last interior design trend for 2020 that we need to talk about is, authenticity. Over the past several years, technology has continued to rapidly evolve, which has created changes in the design world. For example, today you are able to get a ceiling beam, made to look like wood that is actually made of a synthetic material. The synthetic material promises to have the same qualities as natural wood and stand the test of time, but is a fraction of the price of real wood. On the surface this is a great idea - you can achieve the look you desire and save some money.

However, along the way we’ve lost the authenticity and true craftsmanship that our ancestors mastered.  A plastic laminate that resembles wood doesn’t have the tactile element that raw wood brings to a space. The art of a dovetail joint on a handmade piece of furniture has been lost.

This is why I’m so happy to see a design trend that goes back to a simpler time while using the endless possibilities that technology offers. We are refining tradition. Being authentic is allowing us to use sustainable principles to help improve how we feel in our homes and improve the environment around us.  

Which of our top interior design trends for 2020 are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments. If you need help adding these design trends to your home, hire the JBD team today.