Posts tagged Home
Vancouver's Bold Step - The Middling Middle

In a dynamic city like Vancouver, where housing affordability is a constant concern, change is on the horizon. Recent developments have seen the approval of a motion to allow up to eight homes on a single lot in lower-density neighborhoods based on lot size. This progressive approach is likely to have several positive impacts on the city's housing landscape. Vancouver, like many other cities, was actively exploring ways to address the issue of missing middle housing in its housing market. Vancouver, located in British Columbia, Canada, has been dealing with housing affordability challenges and a growing demand for diverse housing options.

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BC's Revolutionary Zoning Regulations for Residential Development

n a transformative development for the housing landscape, British Columbia is on the brink of a significant regulatory evolution that promises to reshape the way we think about residential development. With a bold step towards inclusivity and flexibility in housing, the province has declared that, starting June 30, municipalities will be required to allow the construction of 3 to 4 units on all residential-zoned lots exceeding 3,013 square feet that do not already accommodate 3 or more units. This initiative heralds a new chapter for smaller developers, builders, and families with aspirations for multi-generational living, marking a pivotal shift in the real estate sector. Our team at Jamie Banfield Design Inc, as experts in residential design, is excited to explore the far-reaching implications of this regulatory change.

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With more people looking for eco-friendly housing alternatives, it’s not just for the ultra-rich or super climate conscious. While the initial costs are still high, pursuing a high-performance house comes with its advantages.

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